New Dentinox Survey reveals pressure of parenthood

Parents are under more pressure than ever before and despite all the advice on offer, more than half admit they have been shocked to discover how demanding their new role as a first time parent can be.


 A new survey for Dentinox, the baby medicine experts, has revealed:

  • 62% of new mothers believe they are under more pressure than their parents encountered
  • 41% believe that worry is part of the job description
  • 11% of new mothers admits to feeling stressed and worried most of the time
  • 53% take a more realistic view and describe their parenting style as ‘not perfect, but pretty good’
  • 19% of new mums worry about their little one’s health and wellbeing on a daily basis
  • 22% say their child’s diet and nutrition is a source of daily stress
  • 36% said they have been stunned at the number of people who have given well-meaning but silly advice
  • The tips that mums are most likely to give to another new parent is ‘trust your instincts’ (36%) and ‘relax and enjoy your time with your baby’ (21%)
The new data also reveals some surprising insights into parental preferences and shows that many new parents are turning their back on tradition.
  • 33% of mothers now shun gender-specific toys, with most saying that young children should be allowed to play with toys of all kinds
  • Gender-neutral hues are the most popular, with 79% parents going for green, 66% opting for white and 52% showing a yen for yellow
  • 30% of new mothers are now happy to dress their little ones in black, although it is a more popular colour choice for boys than girls, 42% compared to 19%
  • Navy is also on-point with 50% of parents. 36% say they dress their daughters in dark blue and 64% of mothers’ nominated navy as one of their top choices for boys


One approach that remains unchanged for generations is the stocking of a family first aid kit or medicine cabinet. Mum of two, Dr Catherine Hood notes: “Every household has a first aid kit or medicine cabinet and when it comes to being a parent, keeping that kit or cabinet well stocked is vital. So make sure you have stocked up on those Dentinox medicine essentials which will help you and your little one through a year of firsts. Along with the first smiles, first solid foods and first steps there will be some other firsts such as colic, cradle cap and teething woes that are far from fun.”


The big surprises that come with small packages

The biggest surprise for new mothers was how tough it is to care for a little one, with just over half (51%) admitted the demands of parenting came as a shock. Other top tales of the unexpected are:

Strength of feelings for a little one: 42%

How many people give well-meaning, but silly advice: 36%

How many strangers feel entitled to offer advice: 35%

How well they coped with the delivery: 33%

How much babies can communicate at an early age: 32%

The pain of childbirth: 26%

The pain of post-birth contractions: 20%

How often nappies have to be changed: 16%

The sticky black poo babies have in first few days: 13%





Dentinox Medicine Dispenser: Designed by a doctor, the Dentinox Medicine Dispenser is the simple, soothing way to give a pre-measured dose of medicine to a baby aged three months and upwards. Your baby can passively suck the medicine through the orthodontic silicone teat or you can deliver the full content of the medicine chamber simply and quickly using the unique plunger.


Dentinox Infant Colic Drops: Containing Dill oil, Dentinox Infant Colic Drops are suitable from birth and come with a handy syringe for easy application. The drops can also be added to your baby’s bottle to help relieve their discomfort, providing effective relief for those trying, colic episodes. (Contains activated Dimeticone). Always read the label.


Dentinox Teething Gel: Suitable to use from birth, this soothing gel, which can be applied every 20 minutes if necessary, gets to work swiftly, providing effective pain relief. It’s sugar free and contains an antiseptic. (Contains Lidocaine Hydrochloride and Cetylpridinium Chloride). Always read the label.


Dentinox Cradle Cap Treatment Shampoo: Suitable to use from birth and mild enough to use as an everyday shampoo once the cradle cap has cleared up. Dentinox Cradle Cap Treatment Shampoo can help maintain a healthy scalp and hair. (Contains Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulpho-Succinate and Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate). Always read the label.


Dentinox Eye Wipes: Suitable to use from birth and containing a sterile saline solution, Dentinox Eye Wipes are designed to gently cleanse a baby’s eyelids and lashes, safely removing sticky residue and refreshing a little one’s eyes. Great to use when out and about too. Dentinox Eye Wipes are not a medicine.


For further information and advice visit

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